June 12, 2020 |13 min read
10 Reasons Why Cat Won’t Stop Meowing

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There are so many different cat noises and what they mean can vary. Perhaps the most common sound they make is the meow. When cats meow, they are trying to communicate with you. If you’ve ever wondered “Why does my cat meow so much?” you may have to take a closer look and pay attention to what they may be needing, whether it be attention, food and water, or fresh silica cat litter.
While cats may meow every now and then throughout the day, it is especially important to listen to your feline friend when they are yowling non-stop. Wondering, what do these cat noises mean ” and “why are they repeatedly speaking out?” Here are the top reasons why your cat is meowing nonstop:
#1 They want attention and may be lonely
While the adult cat is relatively independent and among some of the most relaxed household pets to take care of, they also desire a bit of attention from their owners. Cats can get lonely when left alone for extended amounts of time or even after you have stopped playing with them and gone to bed. Loneliness can stem from a lack of attention and may result in excessive meowing to be heard.
One way to determine whether loneliness is the reason for excessive vocalization is to pay attention to how your cat reacts when you give in to these meows. Cats can get used to meowing or crying out until they get what they want - in this case, attention. When your cat stops meowing once you give them the attention they desire, this is a sure sign that their meows stem from separation anxiety and the desire for affection.
As a cat owner, it’s important to give your kitty some attention when you get home from work or after a long day. A quick and simple cuddle or back scratch before bed may have them sleeping peacefully and no longer meowing for your attention throughout the night.
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#2 They need space
On the other hand, the repeated cat meow might indicate that your cat wants to be left alone. Even the most affectionate kitty needs some personal space every once in a while. So if your cat is meowing while you're petting or cuddling her, the meowing cat might actually be saying, "Give me some space" or "I need a moment to myself." It's essential to respect your cat’s boundaries and allow them the freedom to retreat and recharge. By understanding and acknowledging your cat's individual preferences for personal space, you can maintain a mutually respectful relationship.
#3 They need something
Not all cats constantly crave attention and feel lonely often. Sometimes, when cats meow, it’s a means of communicating that they need something. In this case, cats most commonly meow for basic necessities such as cat food and water. Be sure to remain aware of how much cat food and water your cats have throughout the day, but especially in the morning and at night. In doing so, you can make sure that your cat has all of the basic necessities they need throughout the day and further avoid any unnecessary excessive meowing. By meeting their basic needs consistently, you can help prevent unnecessary excessive meowing and ensure that your feline companion is content and well-cared for.
#4 They’re in heat
The term "in heat" is used to describe the point at which your female cat has reached puberty and has sexually matured. When this occurs, your cat's meowing may lead to excessive vocalization, or a behavior such as yowling, as they try to let others know that they are seeking to mate. Typically, "in heat season" occurs in spring and autumn but varies depending on the cat. In this case, the best way to stop a cat from meowing is to take your cat to the veterinarian to get fixed. Keep in mind, though, that only female cats go in heat. Male cats don't experience this phenomenon.
#5 They want to be let outside
Another common reason why your cat is meowing nonstop is simply that they want to be let outside - this is especially true if you have an outdoor cat. If your cat is meowing near a door or window, chances are they are communicating that they want to be let out. If you are training your cat from outdoors to indoors, this may take quite a bit of time, from weeks to months, and result in a great deal of meowing during the process of becoming an indoor cat.
#6 They’re stressed
Stress is a definite reason for increased meowing. In this case, cats are equally as susceptible to anxiety as their human counterparts, which can be triggered by sudden changes in their home. If you think stress is the reason for your cat’s excessive meowing, consider some environmental changes that have occurred recently in your cat’s home.
Anything from moving, having a baby, introducing a new pet, and loud sounds can throw off a cat’s routine and lead them into a period of stress and anxiety. Showing your cat positive reinforcement with a little extra love during these changes can help alleviate some of the nonstop meowing.

#7 They’re losing their vision/hearing
Unfortunately, a cat’s nonstop meow can also be a sign of some physical changes in their health. Most commonly, elderly cats will begin to lose their vision and hearing over time. If you have an older cat, consider this a possibility and take them to your local vet to get their vision and hearing tested.
Especially at night after you have gone to bed, your senior cat may be meowing because they are having a difficult time finding their way throughout the house - more so than in prior years. While you cannot necessarily reverse your cat’s aging, you can leave nightlights on at night and comfort your furry friend by keeping them close to you, letting them know that you are there.
#8 Cat dementia
On the topic of cat health concerns, cat dementia, a form of cognitive dysfunction common in olde cats, is another reason for increased meowing. In this case, your senior cat may be forgetful and, confusion may lead to altered and disrupted sleep cycles, which may very well be the answer to the question, “why is my cat meowing at night?”
Similar to the suggestion for cats who suffer from a loss of vision and hearing, nightlights and extra love might help cats that suffer from dementia as well.
#9 They’re just a talkative breed
If none of the above reasons apply to your feline friend, you may just have a talkative breed. In fact, certain breeds of cats are significantly more vocal than others.Among some of the mostcommon cat breedsthat are talkative include Siamese, Singapura, Tonkinese, and Siberian. With that said, there is not much you can do to quiet these kitties; it's just in their nature!
#10 They’re saying hi
Lastly, one of the most common reasons for a cat’s meow is simply because they are saying hi… a lot. If this is the case, take it as a compliment as a cat owner. This occurs when domestic cats are happy in their home and can’t stop saying how much they love you. It's their adorable way of expressing love and affection, showering you with their vocal greetings. Embrace these moments as a testament to the strong bond you share with your cat and the genuine connection you have formed.
Male vs Female Cat Meows
Male and female cats can have different reasons for their meowing habits. Female cats, especially those who are not spayed, may meow or yowl more frequently when they are in heat, trying to attract a mate. As discussed earlier, this meowing can be more intense and persistent during their heat cycles. Male cats might meow a lot if they sense a female in heat nearby or feel the need to mark their territory. While both male and female cats use meowing to communicate, understanding the context and frequency can help you better respond to their needs.
Preventative Tips for Excessive Meowing
Now that you have a list of reasons that may be the cause of your cat’s meowing, here are some further preventative tips that may help quiet your kitty:
Make Time to Play With Your Cat
Schedule a short amount of time to play with your cat and give them attention, especially if you are out of the house often. Even a quick 10-minute play session can give your domestic cats the care that they need to avoid feeling stressed, anxious, or scared throughout the night and meowing as a result. In doing so, both of you will get a better night’s rest - a win-win!

Scoop The Litter Box Regularly
Maintaining a clean litter box is another great preventative tip to keep your cat from seeking your attention. With that said, be sure to regularly scoop the litter box, especially before bed, to create a clean and inviting space for your cat to do their business.PrettyLitter is a monthly cat litter subscription that not only keeps your litter box odor-free and easy to clean but monitors the health of your cat as well.
Bypurchasing cat litterwith a lightweight and non-clump formula, you can keep your litter box as clean and inviting as possible for your furry friend. This may reduce their need to call out to you, especially in the middle of the night, amidst your deep sleep.
Don’t Give in to Constant Meowing
Perhaps most importantly, don’t give in to your cat’s constant meowing if you know all of their needs are met, and it is just a cry for excessive attention. Although not ideal, ignoring and sleeping through the seemingly endless meows can train your cat to stop doing so over time. While this will not happen overnight, the first step begins with not giving in to unnecessary demands from your furry friend. Consider using earplugs while sleeping or playing music around the house during the day in order to drown out these forms of vocalization.

Listen to Your Cat’s Meowsor Yowls
Yowling and meowing are distinct types of vocalizations in cats, each serving different purposes. Meowing is a more common, shorter sound that cats use to communicate with humans, often signaling needs like hunger, attention, or discomfort. Yowling, on the other hand, is a longer, more drawn-out sound that can indicate distress, territorial disputes, or mating calls.
With these various reasons for excessive cat meowing or yowling in mind, you can better listen to and understand what your cat is trying to communicate with you. It is especially helpful to know when they are in pain or have a health issue on the rise and may need to see a vet to ensure they have good cat health.
One way you can stay on top of your cat’s health and not worry about decoding each meow is through PrettyLitter. PrettyLitter monitors your cat’s health and can detect both minor and significant changes in their health based on urine. This lightweight litter changes color based on alterations in pH levels and chemicals within your cat’s urine and, in doing so, can help you become aware of health issues before they get serious.
However you choose to address your cat’s meow, be sure to give them the love and attention they need without overdoing it. In doing so, a little TLC goes a long way and can be just enough to keep your cat from meowing nonstop.

- WebMD. Cat Excessive Meowing and Yowling. https://pets.webmd.com/cats/guide/cats-excessive-meowing
- PetMD. Why is My Cat Meowing So Much? https://www.petmd.com/cat/behavior/cat-meowing
- ASPCA. Meowing and Yowling. https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/cat-care/common-cat-behavior-issues/meowing-and-yowling