September 7, 2023 |6 min read
Can Cats Eat Tuna? Everything You Need to Know

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Cats and tuna. A combination as iconic as peanut butter and jelly, but "Can cats have tuna" is a question that continues to echo through the pet community. Sure, most cats can't resist the aroma of tuna, but is it healthy? Read on to find out right meow.
Health Benefits of Tuna for Cats
When it comes to the dietary delights of our feline friends, tuna often sits high on their list of favorites. Beyond its lip-smacking taste, what health benefits does this fish offer to our cats? From heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids to muscle-nourishing proteins, here’s why tuna is more than just a treat.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Good Stuff
First on our list is the much-praised omega-3 fatty acids. These unsaturated fats are essential for reducing inflammation, improving brain function, and maintaining a healthy heart in cats.
An Abundance of Vitamins and Minerals
Beyond fatty acids, tuna is chock-full of vital nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin D, and an array of B vitamins. These nutrients work together to enhance your cat's metabolism, immune system, and overall cell function.
Protein Galore
Let's not overlook one of the primary functions of food: providing protein for muscle growth and repair. Tuna scores high in this department, making it an excellent addition to a cat's diet—when served in moderation (but more on that later).
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How Tuna Can Positively Affect Cat Nutrition
Beyond its taste, tuna offers a range of nutritional advantages for our feline friends. Here’s how tuna can enhance your cat's well-being, from digestion to vision and beyond.
Easily Digestible
Tuna is easy on a cat's digestive system, making it an excellent option for sensitive stomachs. Its high digestibility ensures your cat absorbs all the rich nutrients it offers.
Hydration Station
Although no substitute for fresh water, the moisture content in canned tuna or tuna water can provide a little more hydration—which is especially beneficial for cats who are less enthusiastic about drinking water.
Skin and Coat Health
The omega-3 fatty acids in tuna not only work wonders on the inside but also manifest externally. A regular but moderated tuna intake can make your cat’s fur softer and shinier.
Eye Health and Vision
The vitamins A and D in tuna play a crucial role in maintaining healthy eyes and good vision, essential traits for these nocturnal hunters.
How to Properly Feed Your Cat Tuna
While the answer to, “Can you feed cat tuna?” is a yes, due to its many benefits, there are certain things to consider before making tuna a regular in your cat's bowl. From mercury concerns to the importance of moderation, keep the following tips in mind to safely serve tuna to your furry friend:
The Mercury Menace
One of the top concerns about feeding tuna to cats is mercury poisoning. It's critical to moderate the intake and go for types lower in mercury, like light tuna, over others.
Moderation Is Key
As with many good things in life, moderation is crucial when it comes to feeding tuna to your cat. An occasional treat? Absolutely. A meal replacement? Not so much. And let's not forget: Can cats eat chicken? Absolutely, and it's a healthier alternative to fish in some cases.
Tuna in Water vs. Tuna in Oil
When choosing canned tuna, it's best to opt for tuna packed in water rather than oil. The latter contains unsaturated fats that could lead to weight gain and other health issues.
Fresh Tuna vs. Canned Tuna
While fresh tuna might seem like the healthier option at first, it contains less essential vitamin E than what’s present in canned variants. Plus, canned tuna, particularly PrettyPlease wet cat food, offers a balanced meal, with just the right amount of nutrients.
Introducing PrettyPlease: Holistic Health Your Cat Craves
When it comes to offering your feline friend the indulgent taste of tuna while ensuring they get all the necessary nutrients, look no further than PrettyPlease cat food. Made with real tuna, PrettyPlease provides the rich flavors that cats instinctively crave, combined with a well-rounded dietary profile to keep healthy. Plus, we always steer clear of ingredients that cats shouldn’t consume.
For example, if you’re wondering if cats can have soy, the answer is no, which is why PrettyPlease never contains soy, grain, corn, or wheat. It's more than just cat food; it's a commitment to quality, taste, and the well-being of your pet.

Tuna Treats and Total Nutrition: Finding the Balance with PrettyPlease
Feeding your cat tuna can offer numerous health benefits, from a shiny coat to enhanced vision. However, moderation is your best ally here. The next time you find yourself asking, "Can I feed my cat tuna?" you'll have all the info you need to make an informed decision. With PrettyPlease cat food, you're improving your cat’s diet by opting for a nutritious meal for your kitty.
As a brand committed to your cat's well-being—while providing the world’s smartest cat litter—PrettyLitter is here with the information you need to select a wholesome, high-quality diet for your feline.
- Best Friends Vet. Fatty Acid Supplementation in Cats.
- California Business Journal. The Benefits of Tuna for Cats: A Quick Guide.
- The Dodo. Can I Feed My Cat Tuna?
- Diet and Fitness Today. Vitamin E in Tuna.