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June 5, 2024 |9 min read

Understanding Your Cat's Adjustment Period to a New Home

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Understanding Your Cat's Adjustment Period to a New Home

Bringing a new cat into your home is a wonderful experience, filled with excitement and anticipation. However, it's important to keep in mind that cats are creatures of habit and may need time to adjust to their new surroundings. Recognizing the signs your new cat is adjusting and knowing how to help them feel at home can make this transition smoother for both of you. In this guide, we’ll explore the adjustment period for a new cat, the signs that indicate they are settling in, and how to support them during this time.

The Adjustment Period

Adjusting to a new home can be challenging for any cat, whether they are a kitten, an older cat, or a feral cat. Understanding what this period entails and how long it might take can help you provide the best support for your new feline friend.

What to Expect

When you welcome a new cat into your home, whether it's a kitten, an older cat, or a feral cat, there is an adjustment period they will go through. This period involves getting used to new sights, sounds, and smells, as well as adapting to new routines and environments. The adjustment period can vary significantly from one cat to another, depending on their personality, past experiences, and the nature of their previous living conditions. For instance, an adult cat who lived in a single-cat household might adapt differently than a newly adopted cat from a shelter with many resident cats.

Timeline for Adjustment

One of the most common questions new cat owners have is, "How long does it take a cat to adjust to a new home?" The answer isn't straightforward. Some cats might start to feel at home within a few days, while others may take several weeks or even months. Factors such as the cat's age, temperament, and previous living situations play a significant role. Generally, kittens and more adaptable breeds might adjust quicker than older cats or those who have had traumatic pasts. It's important to be patient and give your cat the time they need to settle in. Whether your new cat is transitioning from a shelter, a previous home, or a different environment, understanding this timeline can help manage your expectations.

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Signs Your Cat is Settling In

Recognizing the signs that your cat is starting to feel at home is key, as these can reassure you that they are becoming comfortable and adjusting well to their new environment.

Positive Behavioral Cues

Understanding the signs your cat is settling in can help you gauge their comfort level. Some positive indicators include:

  • Exploring the New Environment: A cat that is curious and begins to explore its surroundings is a good sign they are feeling more at ease.
  • Eating and Drinking Normally: A healthy appetite indicates that your cat is not overly stressed.
  • Using the Litter Box Regularly: Consistent use of the litter box shows that your cat is adapting to their new environment.
  • Social Interaction: Seeking out attention or playing with toys can be signs of a cat settling in.
  • Grooming: Regular grooming behaviors indicate a relaxed and comfortable cat.

Signs of Stress

While it’s normal for a new cat to exhibit some anxious behaviors initially, it's helpful to be able to differentiate between normal adjustment signs and those indicating stress or discomfort. Signs of stress in cats can include:

  • Hiding: While hiding is normal at first, prolonged hiding can be a sign of a stressed or scared cat.
  • Lack of Appetite: Not eating or drinking for an extended period is a red flag.
  • Aggressive Behavior: Unprovoked aggression towards people or other pets.
  • Excessive Grooming or Self-Mutilation: This can be a coping mechanism for stress.

Understanding these signs helps you intervene appropriately and provide additional support to your cat during this transition period.

Helping Your Cat Adjust

Helping your new cat adjust involves creating a safe and welcoming environment. Implementing strategies to make them feel secure and establishing routines can significantly ease their transition.

Creating a Safe Space

Creating a welcoming environment helps your new cat feel at home. Here are some strategies to ease their transition:

  • Safe Space: Designate a quiet and comfortable room where your cat can retreat and feel safe. This room should include a cozy bed, litter box, food, and water.
  • Consistent Routine: Maintain your previously established feeding, playing, and sleeping routines. Cats thrive on predictability.
  • Minimize Stressors: Keep the environment calm and avoid loud noises or sudden changes. A peaceful setting helps your cat feel more secure.

Providing Enrichment and Routine

Providing enrichment and positive reinforcement can also enhance your cat’s feelings of security and happiness. 

  • Interactive Toys: Toys that stimulate your cat’s natural hunting instincts can keep them engaged and reduce stress.
  • Vertical Space: Cat trees or shelves provide your cat with places to climb and observe their environment from a safe height.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your cat with treats and affection when they exhibit positive behaviors. This helps create a positive association with their new home.

Gradual Introduction

For those wondering how to introduce cats to each other, especially a resident cat, a gradual approach is needed to prevent territorial disputes and stress. This process helps both cats adjust to each other at a comfortable pace, fostering a harmonious environment.

  • Separate Spaces: Initially, keep the new cat in a separate room with their own litter tray, food, and water. This safe space allows the new cat to acclimate without feeling threatened by the presence of the resident cat.
  • Controlled Introductions: Use a cat carrier to facilitate initial introductions. Allow the cats to sniff each other through the carrier, providing a controlled environment where they can get used to each other's scents without direct contact. This method helps prevent aggressive behavior and allows both cats to become accustomed to their new family member at their own pace.
  • Scent Exchange: Exchange bedding between the resident cat and the new cat. This allows them to get used to each other's scents in a non-confrontational way. Pay close attention to the cat behavior of both the resident cat and the new cat during this period. Positive signs include curiosity, such as sniffing and exploring the area around the carrier, while negative signs include hissing, growling, or swatting.

Monitoring Health with PrettyLitter

Transitioning to a new home can be stressful for a cat, potentially affecting their health. Using PrettyLitter can help you keep an eye on their well-being during this period.

Benefits of PrettyLitter

PrettyLitter’s color-changing cat litter offers a revolutionary way to monitor your cat’s health. The crystals change color based on the pH level of your cat’s urine, indicating potential health issues early on. This feature can be particularly reassuring when moving with a cat, as it allows you to detect problems that might arise from the stress of the transition.

Ensuring Health During Adjustment

Using PrettyLitter can provide peace of mind during your cat’s adjustment period. By keeping an eye on the litter's color changes, you can detect issues such as urinary tract infections or kidney problems before they become serious. This proactive approach ensures your cat’s health is monitored during this adjustment period. Understanding how stress affects your cat’s health is necessary, and PrettyLitter helps you stay on top of their well-being.

For a holistic approach to cat care, consider pairing PrettyLitter with PrettyPlease holistic cat food. PrettyPlease provides balanced nutrition tailored to meet your cat's dietary needs, supporting their overall health and vitality. Combined, these products offer a comprehensive solution to monitor and enhance your cat’s well-being, ensuring they remain happy and healthy during their adjustment period.

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Final Thoughts on Helping Your Cat Adjust to a New Home

Understanding and supporting your new cat’s adjustment period promotes both their well-being and your peace of mind. By recognizing the signs your cat is adjusting to their new home and implementing strategies to help them settle in, you can create a loving and comfortable home for your feline friend. Using tools like PrettyLitter to monitor their health further ensures that they are happy and healthy during this transition. Remember, patience and consistency are key as your new companion acclimates to their new environment.


  1. Fear Free Happy Homes. Scents and Scentsability: Feline Senses of Smell and Taste. https://www.fearfreehappyhomes.com/scents-and-scentsability-feline-senses-of-smell-and-taste/ 
  2. Humane Society. How to introduce your new cat to resident cats. https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-introduce-your-new-cat-resident-cats 
  3. Kim, J. Why Do Cats Thrive On Routine? What You Need to Know! https://petkeen.com/why-do-cats-thrive-on-routine/ 
  4. PetMD Editorial. 8 Common Cat Fears and Anxieties. https://www.petmd.com/cat/slideshows/8-common-cat-fears-and-anxieties 
  5. The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Feeding Cats for Optimal Mental and Behavioral Well-Being. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32653265/ 
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Christina Scamporrino is a lifelong animal lover and began working in the petcare space in 2019. Christina’s passion for the community of feline owners and enthusiasts have led her to designing premium packaging for PrettyLitter cat litter, PrettyPlease dry food, wet food, and treats, and a litter box designed to solve common litter box issues.

Outside of her professional work in the petcare space, Christina is a longtime kitten foster and has worked with several cat rescues throughout Southern California. When given the option, she favors orange cats, but loves all cats equally.

