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July 14, 2024 |8 min read

How to Get a Cat Out of Hiding Safely

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How to Get a Cat Out of Hiding Safely

Finding your cat hiding under the bed or in a closet can be concerning, especially when you're unsure how to coax them out. Learning how to get a cat out of hiding safely is key to keeping them happy and healthy, and it can give you peace of mind, too. In this guide, we’ll explore why cats hide, share effective techniques to lure them out, and offer tips to prevent future hiding behavior.

Common Reasons Cats Hide

Understanding the reasons behind your pet’s hiding behavior is the first step to knowing how to lure a cat out of hiding effectively. Cats are naturally inclined to seek out safe, enclosed spaces, but several factors can influence this behavior.

Natural Instincts

Cats are instinctively driven to find hiding spots as a form of protection. In the wild, this behavior helps them avoid predators and conserve energy while they rest. Even domesticated cats retain this instinct, often seeking out small, dark places where they feel secure. Whether it's a cozy hiding spot under a cat tree or inside a cardboard box, these hiding places offer them a sense of safety.

Stress and Anxiety

Changes in the household, such as new furniture, guests, or other pets, can trigger stress and anxiety in cats. A scared cat may retreat to a hiding spot to feel safe and avoid potential threats. Understanding these triggers can help address the question of how to get a cat out of hiding by creating a more comforting environment for your feline friend.

Illness or Injury

If your cat is suddenly hiding more than usual, it could be due to illness or injury. Cats tend to hide when they're not feeling well to avoid appearing vulnerable. If you suspect your cat might be sick or injured, a visit to the vet is recommended. Monitoring their behavior can help you detect any signs of distress early on.

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Effective Techniques to Lure a Cat Out of Hiding

Now that we know why cats hide, let's explore some effective techniques for getting them to come out of hiding. These methods are designed to make your cat feel secure and coax them out gently.

Creating a Safe and Comfortable Environment

Start by ensuring your home environment is welcoming and safe for your cat. Provide them with cozy beds, perches, and hiding spots where they can retreat without feeling trapped, as they are less likely to hide in inaccessible areas when they have designated safe spaces. A cat bed or a familiar scent can also help them feel more at ease.

Using Food and Treats

One of the simplest ways to lure a cat out of hiding is with food. Cats have a strong sense of smell, and the aroma of their favorite treat or food can entice them to come out. Place a small amount of cat food near their hiding spot and gradually move it further away, encouraging them to follow the scent.

Engaging with Toys and Playtime

Toys and interactive play can also be highly effective in coaxing a hiding cat. Use a wand toy or laser pointer to capture their interest and draw them out. Playtime not only helps in getting them out of hiding but also provides essential mental and physical stimulation.

Preventing Future Hiding Behavior

Addressing the underlying causes and creating a supportive environment for your cat is important to minimize future instances of hiding.

Establishing Routines and Safe Spaces

Cats thrive on routine and familiarity. Establish consistent feeding times, play sessions, and cuddle moments. Ensure they have access to multiple safe spaces where they can retreat without being disturbed. These habits can reduce anxiety and make your cat feel more secure.

Reducing Household Stressors

Identify and minimize sources of stress in your home. This could involve creating quiet areas away from noisy appliances or other pets, introducing changes gradually, and providing plenty of vertical spaces where your cat can feel safe and in control. By reducing these stressors, you can help prevent your cat from resorting to hiding.

Providing Enrichment and Mental Stimulation

Boredom can also lead to hiding behavior. Keep your cat engaged with a variety of toys, puzzle feeders, and activities. Regular playtime not only strengthens your bond but also keeps your cat mentally and physically stimulated, reducing the likelihood of them seeking out hiding spots out of boredom.

PrettyLitter's Resources for Cat Owners

Understanding your cat's behavior can sometimes be a puzzle, but you don't have to solve it alone. PrettyLitter offers a wealth of resources for cat owners, from insightful blog posts to practical guides.

Tips and Advice for Understanding Your Cat's Behavior

Whether you're dealing with an anxious cat or wondering, “Why is my cat so clingy,” we're here to help you understand and care for your furry friend. Here are several tips:

  1. Recognizing Triggers: Identify potential stressors in your cat's environment and work to minimize them. Changes like moving to a new home or the arrival of a new pet can be unsettling. Introduce new elements slowly, providing your cat with extra attention and reassurance during transitions.
  2. Creating Comfortable Retreats: Set up cozy hiding spots where your cat can retreat when feeling overwhelmed. Consider using a cat tree, a cardboard box, or a designated quiet room with familiar scents. Adding soft bedding and their favorite toys can make these retreats even more inviting.
  3. Establishing a Predictable Routine: Cats thrive on routine, which helps them feel secure. Set consistent feeding, play, and rest times to create a sense of stability. Knowing how many times a day a cat should eat and sticking to a schedule can help reduce anxiety and prevent hiding behavior.
  4. Interactive Play and Engagement: Use a variety of toys and interactive play to engage your cat. Activities like chasing a feather wand, playing with a laser pointer, or solving puzzle feeders provide both physical and mental stimulation, which can reduce boredom and the urge to hide.
  5. Using Positive Reinforcement: Encourage your cat to come out of hiding by rewarding them with treats and praise. This positive reinforcement builds trust and helps them associate coming out with positive experiences. Be patient and consistent to see the best results.
  6. Health Monitoring: Keep an eye on your cat’s health with PrettyLitter’s color-changing cat litter, which can detect potential health issues early. Addressing health concerns promptly can prevent hiding due to discomfort or illness.
  7. Nutritional Support: Ensure your cat is getting the right nutrients with food like PrettyPlease cat food, made with high-quality and real ingredients. A healthy diet supports overall well-being and can positively influence their behavior and mood.

By applying these tips, you can better understand and manage your cat’s behavior, helping them feel safe and secure in their home environment.

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Wrapping Up Your Cat's Comfort

Helping your cat come out of hiding safely requires a mix of patience, understanding, and the right techniques. By creating a cozy environment, using enticing treats and toys, and addressing the root causes of their hiding behavior, you can make your kitty feel more confident and secure. And remember, PrettyLitter is here to support you every step of the way with expert advice and products designed to keep your feline friend happy and healthy.



  1. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Effects of stressors on the behavior and physiology of domestic cats. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25210211/
  2. Best Friends. Cat Scared of Noise: How to Help Fearful Cats. https://resources.bestfriends.org/article/cat-scared-noise-how-help-fearful-cats
  3. Pet Keen. Why Do Cats Thrive On Routine? What You Need to Know! https://petkeen.com/why-do-cats-thrive-on-routine/
  4. PetMD Editorial. 8 Common Cat Fears and Anxieties. https://www.petmd.com/cat/slideshows/8-common-cat-fears-and-anxieties
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Christina Scamporrino is a lifelong animal lover and began working in the petcare space in 2019. Christina’s passion for the community of feline owners and enthusiasts have led her to designing premium packaging for PrettyLitter cat litter, PrettyPlease dry food, wet food, and treats, and a litter box designed to solve common litter box issues.

Outside of her professional work in the petcare space, Christina is a longtime kitten foster and has worked with several cat rescues throughout Southern California. When given the option, she favors orange cats, but loves all cats equally.

